Marijuana and Tobacco: Marketing Best Practices

Marijuana and Tobacco: Marketing Best Practices

Marijuana and Tobacco: Marketing Best Practices BY ATOMIC | JUL 25, 2023 Marijuana and tobacco are two widely consumed substances that have significant implications for public health and legal regulations. As the marketing landscape evolves, it becomes crucial for businesses in these industries to understand and implement responsible and ethical marketing practices. It is also…

Atomic Habits: Unleashing Your Sneaky Superpowers for Success

Atomic Habits: Unleashing Your Sneaky Superpowers for Success

Atomic Habits: Unleashing Your Sneaky Superpowers for Success BY ATOMIC | JUL 18, 2023 We recently picked up a copy of James Clear’s best-selling book, “Atomic Habits,” and let us tell you – it didn’t disappoint! With over 10 million copies sold and renowned as a New York Times bestseller, “Atomic Habits” has made quite…

Need for Speed: How Website Speed Drives Digital Dominance

Need for Speed: How Website Speed Drives Digital Dominance

Need for Speed: How Website Speed Drives Digital Dominance BY ATOMIC | JUL 14, 2023 Have you heard? Being just one second faster may boost your mobile conversions by a staggering 27%! When it comes to eCommerce sites, loading times are everything. Nearly three-quarters of shoppers shop through their phones nowadays, so keeping up with…

Proposal Software

Proposal Software

Proposal Software BY ATOMIC | JUN 29, 2023 If you’re tired of juggling proposal creation like a circus act, proposal software is here to rescue you! With its snazzy customizable templates, collaboration superpowers, and tracking wizardry, you’ll breeze through proposals like a boss. It’s the secret weapon to impress clients, maintain harmony, and skyrocket your…

B2B vs. B2C Marketing

B2B vs. B2C Marketing

B2B vs. B2C Marketing BY ATOMIC | APR 24, 2023 Marketing is crucial for businesses to attract clients and generate revenue. B2B and B2C marketing are two common types with unique characteristics. B2B marketing builds relationships with other businesses, while B2C marketing targets individual consumers with emotional connections. Understanding these differences can help businesses create…

CRM Roundup and Reviews

CRM Roundup and Reviews

CRM Roundup and Reviews BY ATOMIC | APR 18, 2023 CRM systems are important for businesses today as they help monitor and analyze customer interactions. With so many options available, selecting the right CRM can be overwhelming. In this blog, we review three top systems — HubSpot, Pipedrive, and Salesforce — and provide tips on…