Mindy’s 1 Year Anniversary at Atomic

Mindy’s 1 Year Anniversary at Atomic

BY ATOMIC | FEB 8, 0202

Today is a really special day, and yes, I’m REALLY pumped I get to write about it. It’s Mindy’s 1 year anniversary at Atomic! Warning: I’m about to get sappy.

For everyone that knows Mindy Dent, you’re well aware that she is the glue that holds everything together. She literally, and this isn’t an exaggeration, always has an answer to your question, even if she hasn’t worked directly on the project. Frankly, she’s knowledgeable as f**k!

Mindy Dent always goes above and beyond for her clients, as well as in her contributions to the team. Aside from her insane work ethic, unparalleled leadership, and 75 WPM typing speed (that’s probably an exaggeration, but dang she gets notes ready quick), Mindy is also hilarious, easy to talk to, and a great friend. Yep, I said friend, because she exhibits all of those qualities too. I could go on and on, but it’s time to jump to the good stuff.

I sat down with Mindy to ask questions about her first year at Atomic. Here are her answers.

Atomic Questions

Maddie: First, tell me about your journey getting to Atomic. What did that look like?

Mindy: My journey to Atomic is both long and short. Gayle and I worked together as partners in digital marketing crime for 5 years prior. We spent a year apart and then the Atomic stars aligned and we rejoined forces to build something really kickass!

My background was in online merchandising and marketing and website project management for a large retailer. I had a double life working in the service industry both in restaurants and events. My expertise grew in the management of a team. I love digging into processes and figuring out how to make them better in order to deliver the best product or service. And gosh I love managing people. Weird I know, but there is such satisfaction in helping someone you care about reach their career potential.

Maddie: What do you look forward to most when you come to work every day?

Mindy: Well, I love being around the team, and I love that every day is different and busy. It’s never stagnant or boring. Oh, and telling Gayle what to do 😉

Maddie: How would you describe working at Atomic?

Mindy: Exciting and fun, challenging yet fulfilling.

Maddie: What do you enjoy most about your position?

Mindy: I have my hand in literally every aspect of our business and everything we do, so when it comes to Atomic, it subsides my FOMO.

Maddie: What is the best lesson you’ve learned over the past year?

Mindy: I’ve realized that I am capable of living the life I want, being more present as a parent, wife, and friend, and still being able to do a great job at my job. It takes dedication and organization but I can definitely do it.

Maddie: If you could give away one task that you commonly perform, what would it be and why?

Mindy: I would give away task management in our project management system because I’m not the best at putting those in. I’m great at telling other people what to do, but struggle to follow the rules myself, sometimes. I see the value, for sure, though.

Maddie: What is your favorite part of working with the Atomic team?

Mindy: The comradery of a small team. We aren’t just coworkers and I care about each individual person and their work and personal life. I also love our lunches together, and of course, beer.

Maddie: What was your biggest accomplishment this year?

Mindy: My move to Atomic. Having worked with Gayle for 5 years prior, we knew that we would go in different directions and eventually return to working together, but several years down the road, not in a year. Making the move to build Atomic and focus on hiring and growth was a huge accomplishment. And, approximately 3175 phone calls with Gayle in the past year. THAT is an accomplishment!

Maddie: What has been your favorite project you’ve worked on? Why?

MindyThe Wealth Edit, because it was a women-owned business with strong leadership, it was both interesting and inspiring. The job is easier when you’re personally invested. I loved that we were also able to utilize other clients’ work for the project. All around, It’s a fun and interesting concept that I fully believe in.

Getting to Know Mindy Outside of Work

After getting the details on Mindy’s first year, I asked Mindy some fun questions.

Maddie: What are your favorite activities to do when you’re not working?

Mindy: Spend time with family, drink wine, travel, and go to concerts.

Maddie: What is your favorite movie? (btw, Mindy wrote an entire blog about her favorite movies, check it out here)

Mindy: Empire Records. It’s 90’s nostalgia centered around a group of friends working in a record store. The acting is bad, but there are great quotes and good music. I could watch it every day.

Maddie: What is your favorite musical artist?

Mindy: Beatles and Led Zepplin. I love classic rock, but my music taste is all over the board.

Maddie: What was your very first job?

Mindy: I taught dance. Tap, jazz, and ballet. I also started babysitting when I was super young!

Maddie: Do you have a guilty pleasure?

Mindy: Ready for my list? Here we go: ABC Family/Freeform, a girl’s night or girl’s brunch, Instagram Reels (I have an unhealthy obsession), planning extravagant birthday parties for my kids, collecting can tops, keeping receipts, and any app that gives me points and provides passive income.

Getting to Know Mindy Outside of Work

After getting the details on Mindy’s first year, I asked Mindy some fun questions.

Maddie: What are your favorite activities to do when you’re not working?

Mindy: Spend time with family, drink wine, travel, and go to concerts.

Maddie: What is your favorite movie? (btw, Mindy wrote an entire blog about her favorite movies, check it out here)

Mindy: Empire Records. It’s 90’s nostalgia centered around a group of friends working in a record store. The acting is bad, but there are great quotes and good music. I could watch it every day.

Maddie: What is your favorite musical artist?

Mindy: Beatles and Led Zepplin. I love classic rock, but my music taste is all over the board.

Maddie: What was your very first job?

Mindy: I taught dance. Tap, jazz, and ballet. I also started babysitting when I was super young!

Maddie: Do you have a guilty pleasure?

Mindy: Ready for my list? Here we go: ABC Family/Freeform, a girl’s night or girl’s brunch, Instagram Reels (I have an unhealthy obsession), planning extravagant birthday parties for my kids, collecting can tops, keeping receipts, and any app that gives me points and provides passive income.

Here’s to Many More

Everyone at Atomic is so thankful for Mindy and the effort she puts in every single day. Happy workiversary Dirt! (As Gayle would say).